It was in the time that the earth begins to put on her new aparrel against the approch of her louer, and that the Sun running a most euen course becums an indifferent arbiter betweene the night and the day; when the hopelesse shepheard Strephon was come to the sandes, which lie against the Island of Cithera; where viewing the place with a heauy kinde of delight, and sometimes casting his eyes to the Ileward, he called his friendly riuall, the pasto laius vnto him, & setting first down in his darkened countenance a dolefull copie of what he would speake: O my Claius, saide hee, hether we are now come to pay the rent, for which we are so called vnto by ouer-busie Remembrance, Remembrance, restlesse Remembrance, which claymes not only this dutie of vs, but for it will haue vs forget our selues. I pray you when we were amid our flocke, and that of Other shepheardes some were running after their sheep strayed beyond their boundes, some delighting their eyes with seeing them nibble vpon the short and sweete grasse, some medicining their sicke ewes, some setting a bell for an ensigne of a sheepish squadron, some with more leasure inuenting new games of exercising their bodies and sporting their wits: did Remembrance graunt vs any holiday, eyther for pastime or deuotion, nay either for necessary foode or naturall rest? but that still it forced our thoughts to worke vpon this place, where wee last (alas that the word last should so long last) did graze our eyes vpon her euer florishing beautie: did it not still crie within vs? Ah you base minded wretches, are your thoughts so deeply bemired in the trade of ordinary worldlings, as for respect of gaine some paultry wool may yeeld you, to let so much time passe without knowing perfectly her estate, especially in so troublesome a season to leaue that shore vnsaluted, from whence you may see to the Island where she dwelleth? to leaue those steps vnkissed wherein Vrania printed the farewell of all beautie? Well then, Remembraunce commaunded, we obeyed, and here we find, that as our remembrance came euer cloathed vnto vs in the forme of this place, so this place giues newe heate to the feauer of our languishing remembrance.
It was in the time that the earth begins to put on her new aparrel against the approch of her louer, and that the Sun running a most euen course becums an indifferent arbiter betweene the night and the day; when the hopelesse shepheard Strephon was come to the sandes, which lie against the Island of Cithera; where viewing the place with a heauy kinde of delight, and sometimes casting his eyes to the Ileward, he called his friendly riuall, the pasto laius vnto him, & setting first down in his darkened countenance a dolefull copie of what he would speake: O my Claius, saide hee, hether we are now come to pay the rent, for which we are so called vnto by ouer-busie Remembrance, Remembrance, restlesse Remembrance, which claymes not only this dutie of vs, but for it will haue vs forget our selues. I pray you when we were amid our flocke, and that of Other shepheardes some were running after their sheep strayed beyond their boundes, some delighting their eyes with seeing them nibble vpon the short and sweete grasse, some medicining their sicke ewes, some setting a bell for an ensigne of a sheepish squadron, some with more leasure inuenting new games of exercising their bodies and sporting their wits: did Remembrance graunt vs any holiday, eyther for pastime or deuotion, nay either for necessary foode or naturall rest? but that still it forced our thoughts to worke vpon this place, where wee last (alas that the word last should so long last) did graze our eyes vpon her euer florishing beautie: did it not still crie within vs? Ah you base minded wretches, are your thoughts so deeply bemired in the trade of ordinary worldlings, as for respect of gaine some paultry wool may yeeld you, to let so much time passe without knowing perfectly her estate, especially in so troublesome a season to leaue that shore vnsaluted, from whence you may see to the Island where she dwelleth? to leaue those steps vnkissed wherein Vrania printed the farewell of all beautie? Well then, Remembraunce commaunded, we obeyed, and here we find, that as our remembrance came euer cloathed vnto vs in the forme of this place, so this place giues newe heate to the feauer of our languishing remembrance.