The Wolves and the Lamb (1854) is a comedy in two acts by William Makepeace Thackeray. The play is set in familial surroundings and revolves around the lives of the wealthy widower and city merchant Horace Milliken and his family. Miss Prior, governess to Milliken's children, is also an important character. The play opens in Milliken's villa at Richmond with his servants talking to each other and explores the effects of poverty and death on the lives of people.
The Wolves and the Lamb (1854) is a comedy in two acts by William Makepeace Thackeray. The play is set in familial surroundings and revolves around the lives of the wealthy widower and city merchant Horace Milliken and his family. Miss Prior, governess to Milliken's children, is also an important character. The play opens in Milliken's villa at Richmond with his servants talking to each other and explores the effects of poverty and death on the lives of people.