Wassermann Gardens is the story of a group of young soldiers who have contracted a wildly contagious and fatal disease. The disease is considered so dangerous to humanity that the soldiers are declared Missing in Action and quarantined on an unknown and unnamed island in the South Pacific, where they must live out their few remaining years.   As living conditions on the island deteriorate, the men plagued by madness, blindness, starvation, deadly violence, and relentless hurricanes, they realize they have only one chance for survival, one last desperate mission -- escape.    Although the story touches on many elements – MIAs, the ecology, the concept of individual interests versus humanity’s general welfare – it is primarily a story about ordinary human beings struggling to survive in the most desperate of situations -- and one soldier’s irrational devotion to duty no matter the personal cost.  Â
 Wassermann Gardens is the story of a group of young soldiers who have contracted a wildly contagious and fatal disease. The disease is considered so dangerous to humanity that the soldiers are declared Missing in Action and quarantined on an unknown and unnamed island in the South Pacific, where they must live out their few remaining years.   As living conditions on the island deteriorate, the men plagued by madness, blindness, starvation, deadly violence, and relentless hurricanes, they realize they have only one chance for survival, one last desperate mission -- escape.    Although the story touches on many elements – MIAs, the ecology, the concept of individual interests versus humanity’s general welfare – it is primarily a story about ordinary human beings struggling to survive in the most desperate of situations -- and one soldier’s irrational devotion to duty no matter the personal cost.  Â