In our daily life, so many irritating incidents occur and a question comes to our mind is that are we really literate, well-educated and civilized ones? Have we really progressed to be sincere and responsive citizens? If the education and literacy levels are going up then is the system making the individuals better human beings also? If not, then who is to be blamed? Why everything right from festivals to religion and even patriotism has become market driven? Do we have no role models now-a-days? The bigger question is that if as a human we have grey matter, is it to make us emotionally, intellectually and morally more strong or not? With these disturbing issues bothering everyone, this compilation of articles is a food for thought for every literate and rational thinking person.
In our daily life, so many irritating incidents occur and a question comes to our mind is that are we really literate, well-educated and civilized ones? Have we really progressed to be sincere and responsive citizens? If the education and literacy levels are going up then is the system making the individuals better human beings also? If not, then who is to be blamed? Why everything right from festivals to religion and even patriotism has become market driven? Do we have no role models now-a-days? The bigger question is that if as a human we have grey matter, is it to make us emotionally, intellectually and morally more strong or not? With these disturbing issues bothering everyone, this compilation of articles is a food for thought for every literate and rational thinking person.