Aims Objectives category: 994 books

Cover of The Ethics of Special Education
by Kenneth R. Howe, Amy E. Boele
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Since publication of the original edition of this book, there have been significant changes across the landscape of special education. This new edition addresses those changes and revisits enduring ethical issues that are most salient and pressing to special education teachers and administrators....
Cover of Divine Abundance

Divine Abundance

Leisure, the Basis of Academic Culture

by Elizabeth Newman
Language: English
Release Date: August 14, 2018

It's time to say a good word for the ten o'clock scholar. The recovery of a flourishing academic culture--which is not the same as being a major research center--lies in the recovery of leisure. The heart of this practice is contemplation and Divine worship. It names, furthermore, our lives as being...
Cover of A Pedagogy of Responsibility

A Pedagogy of Responsibility

Wendell Berry for EcoJustice Education

by Rebecca A. Martusewicz
Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2018

Drawing on the theories of author and conservationist Wendell Berry for the field of EcoJustice Education, this book articulates a pedagogy of responsibility as a three-pronged approach grounded in the recognition that our planet balances an essential and fragile interdependence between all living...
Cover of Democracia Escolar

Democracia Escolar

Hacia la construcción de instituciones educativas democráticas

by Gloria Vadori, Enrique Bambozzi
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 3, 2016

Cómo habitan democráticamente los actores las instituciones educativas? Esta es la pregunta que articula las respuestas que estudiantes universitarios, directivos y estudiantes de escuela media construyen a la hora de posicionarse en la tan compleja vinculación entre lo pedagógico y lo político....
Cover of Politics and Pedagogy in the "Post-Truth†? Era

Politics and Pedagogy in the "Post-Truth†? Era

Insurgent Philosophy and Praxis

by Derek R. Ford
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2018

Those who are in shock that truth doesn't seem to matter in politics miss the mark: politics has never corresponded with the truth. Rather, political struggle is about the formulation and materialization of new truths. The "post-truth†? era thus offers an important opportunity to push forward...
Cover of The Politics of Knowledge in Education
by Elizabeth Rata
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2012

This book explores the decline of the teaching of epistemic, conceptual knowledge in schools, its replacement with everyday social knowledge, and its relation to changes in the division of labor within the global economy. It argues that the emphasis on social knowledge in postmodern and social constructionist...
Cover of Kultur und Erziehung

Kultur und Erziehung

Neukantianische Paedagogik als transkulturelles Erziehungskonzept

by Katayon Meier
Language: German
Release Date: July 28, 2014

Seit vielen Jahren wird die sogenannte «multikulturelle» Struktur der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in unterschiedlichen pädagogischen Konzepten problematisiert. Vor allem die Erziehung wird in diesem Kontext als Herausforderung angesehen. Dass Kultur und Erziehung in Zusammenhang stehen, scheint...
Cover of My View on Reading

My View on Reading

Works by Zhu Yongxin on Education Series

by Zhu Yongxin
Language: English
Release Date: September 12, 2014

One of China’s top education scholars, Zhu Yongxin provides never-before-tried methods for promoting literacy throughout China As China steps up to power in a modern world, creating a literate population is critical. In My View on Reading Zhu Yongxin provides an expert’s view of why it...
Cover of Paroles de témoins, paroles délèves

Paroles de témoins, paroles délèves

La mémoire et lhistoire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, de lespace public au monde scolaire

by Nadine Fink
Language: French
Release Date: July 15, 2014

À la fin des années 1990, le rôle de la Suisse durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale fait l’objet de vives polémiques au cours desquelles se confrontent la mémoire portée par les acteurs du passé et l’histoire en tant qu’interprétation de ce passé. Les tensions et les controverses, largement...
Cover of Le débat interprétatif dans lenseignement du français
by Ana Dias-Chiaruttini
Language: French
Release Date: July 24, 2015

Le débat interprétatif est apparu en France au début des années 2000. Il accompagne le renouvèlement de l’enseignement de la littérature à l’école primaire et peut être considéré comme emblématique des changements attendus. Cette étude retrace son émergence. Elle éclaire le contexte...
Cover of Fomos maus alunos
by Gilberto Dimenstein, Rubem Alves
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 29, 2003

Resultado de um feliz e instigante encontro, esse livro traz para o leitor as estórias, a experiência e algumas reflexões desses admiráveis pensadores que são Gilberto Dimenstein e Rubem Alves. O tema: a educação. O contraste entre a educação escolar e a educação do cotidiano. Eles são...
Cover of Bildung in Deutschland nach 1945

Bildung in Deutschland nach 1945

Transnationale Perspektiven

Language: French
Release Date: April 20, 2015

Dass die deutsche Bildungsgeschichte nach 1945 nur unter Berücksichtigung des Auslands verstanden werden kann, beweist die Rolle der Allierten im Wiederaufbau des Erziehungswesens. Die in diesem Band versammelten Beiträge demonstrieren allerdings, dass eine transnationale Bildungsgeschichte Deutschlands...
Cover of Globalizing On-line

Globalizing On-line

Telecollaboration, Internationalization, and Social Justice

Language: English
Release Date: January 6, 2015

Internationalization plays an important role in shaping the philosophy and practice of higher education, and it is arguably one of the most durable University achievements. Offering creative ways to achieve a shift from isolation to communication between people of different economic, cultural and...
Cover of La solita scuola. E' ora di cambiare!
by Antonio Balzani
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 25, 2016

SAREBBE ORA DI CAMBIARE La Scuola è IL "LUOGO" degli Studenti e sarebbe proprio ora di chiedersi chi la frequenta, la vive, come e per quali scopi e motivi differenti, quale sia veramente la sua importanza, la sua funzione. La scuola non è solo un'istituzione a ore e programmi! Capirla...
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