Political Parties category: 994 books

Cover of La gauche au Québec depuis 1945
by Collectif
Language: French
Release Date: December 19, 2012

Ce dossier, coordonné par Marc Comby et Robert Comeau, réunit des éléments de l'histoire de la gauche au Québec depuis 1945 sans en constituer un bilan exhaustif. Il porte essentiellement sur les mouvements et organisations situés à la gauche du Parti québécois. De ce parti né en 1968 d'une...
Cover of Gramsci in carcere e il fascismo
by Luciano Canfora
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 29, 2015

Il fascismo sta al centro della riflessione, oltre che della azione politica, di Antonio Gramsci: dagli anni della lotta agli anni del carcere. Questo libro affronta il tema «Gramsci e il fascismo» sotto diversi aspetti: lo sforzo di comprensione storica da parte di Gramsci, tanto più profonda...
Cover of Spie, URSS, antifascismo

Spie, URSS, antifascismo

Gramsci 1926-1937

by Luciano Canfora
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 22, 2015

Nulla è piú inedito dell’edito; neanche l’opera di Gramsci si è sottratta a questa specie di “legge”. Cosí ad esempio è ingenuo immaginare che, nella acuminata sua riflessione carceraria incentrata su genesi sviluppo ed efficacia del fascismo, Gramsci abbia relegato ai margini il macroscopico...
Cover of Partei der Extreme: Die Republikaner

Partei der Extreme: Die Republikaner

Über die Implosion des amerikanischen Konservativismus

by Torben Lütjen
Language: German
Release Date: October 31, 2016

Von den Kreuzzügen des George W. Bush über die schrillen Attacken der »Tea Party« bis hin zur populistischen Mobilisierung Donald Trumps: Amerikas Konservative halten die USA in Atem. Für viele Europäer handelt es sich um ein verstörendes Phänomen, da die Kombination aus radikalem Individualismus,...
Cover of Aurel Kolnai's The War AGAINST the West Reconsidered
by Wolfgang Bialas
Language: English
Release Date: February 13, 2019

Aurel Kolnai’s The War against the West remains one of the most insightful analyses of Nazi thought ever written. First published in 1938 it was a revelation for many readers. Quite different in tone and approach from most other analyses of Nazism available in English, it was remarkable for the...
Cover of Le parti socialiste et la politique générale
by Jean Jaurès
Language: French
Release Date: February 12, 2014

Ce livre est conçu pour une utilisation simple et agréable avec vos liseuses et vos applications Kobo.   Jean Jaurès (1859-1914) est un homme politique français. Orateur et parlementaire socialiste, il s'est notamment illustré par son pacifisme...
Cover of Les Deux Méthodes
by Jean Jaurès
Language: French
Release Date: February 12, 2014

Ce livre numérique est conçu pour une utilisation simple et agréable avec vos liseuses et applications Kobo. Il vous présente Les Deux Méthodes de Jean Jaurès.   Jean Jaurès (1859-1914) est un homme politique français....
Cover of Socialisme utopique et socialisme scientifique
by Friedrich Engels
Language: French
Release Date: June 9, 2018

L'expression « socialisme scientifique » est utilisée, à partir de la fin du XIXe siècle, pour désigner une forme de pensée socialiste fondée sur une analyse à visée scientifique des réalités sociales, historiques et économiques. Le terme a été conçu par opposition au « socialisme...
Cover of La Belle France
by Georges Darien
Language: French
Release Date: October 15, 2014

Lorsque l’éditeur qui publie aujourd’hui ce livre eut pris connaissance du manuscrit que je lui avais envoyé, il m’écrivit  : «  J’ai lu votre manuscrit. Je suis désenchanté  : je m’attendais à tout autre sujet. C’est un livre...
Cover of Heroic Conservatism

Heroic Conservatism

Why Republicans Need to Embrace America's Ideals (And Why They Deserve to Fail If They Don't)

by Michael J. Gerson
Language: English
Release Date: March 17, 2009

Michael Gerson, who worked with George W. Bush on his most inspiring speeches, is considered by many Democrats and Republicans to be the most influential White House speechwriter since the Kennedy administration. He was also more than a speechwriter, he was a trusted insider who helped shape policy. In...
Cover of Fenomenología del peronismo

Fenomenología del peronismo

Comunidad, individuo y nación

by Roy Williams, Enrique del Percio, Rubén Dri
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 22, 2017

El principal mérito de este trabajo consiste en que el autor, con potente originalidad, toma el complejo y multívoco concepto de comunidad para adentrarse en la comprensión del ser-en-común propio del peronismo clásico para, desde allí, darnos que pensar y darnos qué pensar en torno a los desafíos...
Cover of Inviting Latino Voters

Inviting Latino Voters

Party Messages and Latino Party Identification

by Stacey L. Connaughton
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2013

Latino's increasing numbers and their uncertain voting behaviors have enticed Democrats and Republicans to actively court this demographic group, seeking their partisan identification. Through in-depth interviews with campaign strategists, a quantitative analysis of Latino-oriented television advertisements and a survey of Latino citizens, this project examines these efforts.
Cover of Leadership Organizations in the House of Representatives

Leadership Organizations in the House of Representatives

Party Participation and Partisan Politics

by Scott Meinke
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2016

In recent Congresses, roughly half of the members of the U.S. House of Representatives served in whip organizations and on party committees. According to Scott R. Meinke, rising electoral competition and polarization over the past 40 years have altered the nature of party participation. In the 1970s...
Cover of Trouble on the Far Right

Trouble on the Far Right

Contemporary Right-Wing Strategies and Practices in Europe

Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 2016

In Europe, the far right is gaining momentum on the streets and in parliaments. By taking a close look at contemporary practices and strategies of far-right actors, the present volume explores this right-ward shift of European publics and politics. It assembles analyses of changing mobilization patterns...
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