Track Field category: 203 books

Cover of The Women's Guide to Triathlon
by USA Triathlon
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 2015

The Women’s Guide to Triathlon is the definitive companion for female triathletes. Authored by the national governing body of the sport, USA Triathlon, this landmark resource features expert instruction and personal insights from 20 of the world’s top female coaches and athletes: Rachel...
Cover of Train to Tri

Train to Tri

Your First Triathlon

by USA Triathlon, Linda Cleveland, Kris Swarthout
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2017

Swim. Bike. Run. If the combination of those three words gets you excited, then you need Train to Tri: Your First Triathlon. Written by experts with USA Triathlon (USAT), the largest multisport organization in the world, this book provides proven strategies, secrets, and advice to gear up for your...
Cover of No pienses, corre
by Chema Martínez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 12, 2013

SI TE GUSTA CORRER, ESTE ES TU LIBRO. Chema Martínez, uno de los grandes de nuestro atletismo, te desvela todos sus secretos para llegar a ser un experto runner. Aquí encontrarás toda la información necesaria para afrontar este reto: la alimentación más adecuada, la mejor indumentaria,...
Cover of Corre como un etíope

Corre como un etíope

Manual para entrenar como un atleta de élite

by Marc Roig Tió
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 13, 2016

Correr como un etíope es el deseo de la mayoría de la gente que ha encontrado en esta actividad un placer sin igual. Y aunque parezca mentira, sí se puede entrenar como los récords del mundo. El autor de este libro te explica cómo, desde la experiencia personal de haber sido «liebre de lujo»...
Cover of Ser feliz corriendo
by José Moratinos Iglesias
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 12, 2013

En esta obra, escrita con un estilo dinámico y motivador, el autor, José Moratinos, desarrolla una concepción amplia y también multidisciplinar de lo que podemos llamar teoría de la carrera a pie. Rompe moldes y abre nuestros caminos, aportando una visión científica, Ciencias del Deporte, de...
Cover of Lesiones del corredor

Lesiones del corredor

Manual para prevenir y curar los problemas del running

by Ángel de la Rubia
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 14, 2017

Ángel de la Rubia no es solo uno de los especialistas en podología deportiva más importantes, sino que él mismo es corredor y responsable del área de podología del Maratón Popular de Madrid, que se celebra cada año en primavera. En este libro práctico y avalado por atletas de renombre,...
Cover of Las estrellas son así

Las estrellas son así

101 anécdotas de grandes deportistas con periodistas

by Asociación Española de la Prensa Deportiva
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 17, 2015

Si el fútbol es el opio del pueblo, el deporte es el energizante que nos ayuda a evadirnos de la realidad durante un rato. ¿Qué sería de nosotros sin los mates de Pau Gasol, sin el recuerdo de aquellas tardes viendo a Miguel Indurain en el Tour, sin los pases milimétricos de Iniesta o...
Cover of No pienses, corre más
by Chema Martínez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 7, 2015

¿Has empezado a correr y quieres más? ¿Eres corredor, pero quieres mejorar tu marca? Chema Martínez consiguió levantarnos del sofá para empezar a correr a través su libro, No pienses, corre. Ahora, el atleta español nos guía para dar un paso más y superarnos como runners. En...
Cover of Spartan


Una guía para superar los obstáculos de la Spartan Race y lograr el máximo rendimiento en la vida

by Joe De Sena, Jeff O’ Connell
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 13, 2017

Del creador de la Spartan Race. Duros. Flexibles. Apasionados. Los espartanos no son blandos. Los espartanos superan los obstáculos. Y sí, los espartanos hacen burpees. «Las historias que cuenta De Sena son creíbles porque sus logros son auténticos. El mensaje que da en este libro,...
Cover of Barefoot-style Shoe Buying Guide: Exclusive Report
by Nicholas Pang
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2012

Choosing Your Pair Of Minimalist Running Shoes2012 Edition2012 is certainly heating up to be another banner year for minimalist running shoes. For the past two years, I've been on a journey to search for the perfect minimal shoe for myself. Fortunately, I've been able to wear-test...
Cover of Only Gold Matters

Only Gold Matters

Cecil Griffiths, The Exiled Olympic Champion

by John Hanna
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2014

He was one of Wales’ greatest athletes. But he could have been even greater. Cecil Griffiths won an Olympic gold medal in 1920. Then his running career was shattered, banned by the athletics authorities for receiving prize money in wartime charity races as a junior. Although this working-class...
Cover of 5k and 10k

5k and 10k

From Start to Finish

by Graeme Hilditch
Language: English
Release Date: November 29, 2013

Everyone knows someone who has recently taken part in a 5k or 10k charity run, and jogging and running are as popular as ever. This accessible book is designed for those novice runners who plan to take part in a 5k or 10k race - whether running, jogging or even walking the course. In aid of Cancer...
Cover of The Runner's Guide to Healthy Feet and Ankles

The Runner's Guide to Healthy Feet and Ankles

Simple Steps to Prevent Injury and Run Stronger

by Brian W. Fullem
Language: English
Release Date: September 20, 2016

In the sport of running, there is no more important piece of equipment than your feet. In The Runner’s Guide to Healthy Feet and Ankles, distinguished sports physician Brian W. Fullem provides with you essential information on how to best take care of these important appendages. With sections on...
Cover of Flexi-Bar: The best workouts with the ingenius vibration training tool
by Frank Thömmes
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2011

The FLEXI-BAR, a dynamic bar of about 1,50 metres length with a handle in the middle, is a multi-functional exercising device that can activate all parts of the body. Small, rhythmic movements set the bar into swinging modes and transfer these on very different groups of muscles, tendons and joints,...
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