Celeste: 385 books

Book cover of Leaving Women Behind

Leaving Women Behind

Modern Families, Outdated Laws

by Kimberley A. Strassel, Celeste Colgan, John C. Goodman
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2007

Paternalistic federal laws and regulations thwart initiatives to grant women the same economic liberties as men. Why have federal institutions overseeing employment, employee benefits, childcare, taxation, health care, education, retirement, and social security adopted such a warped and antiquated...
Book cover of Litchfield Park
by Celeste S. Crouch
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2013

In 1908, William Kriegbaum, a California citrus grower, arrived as the first settler in what was to become Litchfield Park. He, along with other settlers from California, owned the land until 1916, when Paul Litchfield of Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company came to the area and purchased 16,000 acres to plant...
Book cover of The Night Before Christmas

The Night Before Christmas

A Children’S Christmas Poem About the Birth of Jesus

by Merry Celeste Murray
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2011

The Night before Christmas: A Childrens Christmas Poem about the Birth of Jesus might sound familiar and yet new and fresh at the same time. This poem tells the story from the Bible about the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ, and uses rhythm and rhyme in ways that draw their inspiration from Clement...
Book cover of Wild Animals Charted Designs
by Celeste Plowden
Language: English
Release Date: April 30, 2012

A full-maned lion, a seated giraffe, and many more — plus 12 animal border designs perfect for the needlework arts. Complete instructions for 50 delightful charted designs.
Book cover of The Lion Has No Horns
by John Sesay, Erika Celeste
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2018

Young man sets out to immigrate to America from West Africa but encounters and overcomes corrupt government officials and ruthless criminals in Africa but eventually gets to America and falls into the hands of human traffickers. He finally succeeds in finding his way into the mainstream flow of society where he finds the freedom to develop his potential as a complete human being
Book cover of Il principe stregato
by Aleida Celeste Ricra
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 14, 2017

Una fiaba moderna dalla doppia chiave di lettura in cui la magia, il sentimento, l’inevitabile dramma e i colpi di scena vi emozioneranno e vi terranno col fiato sospeso, fino all’agognato e inaspettato scioglimento. Alla luce di una lampada, Agnes racconta con emozione e coinvolgimento la fiaba...
Book cover of Direito Administrativo Angolano - Vol. II
by Osvaldo Da Gama Afonso, Isabel Celeste M. Da Fonseca
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: September 5, 2013

O Vol. II da Colectânea sobre legislação de direito administrativo de Angola reúne a legislação essencial para o conhecimento dos normativos adjectivos que permitem a defesa da legalidade administrativa junto dos tribunais angolanos, designadamente, através da impugnação contenciosa dos actos...
Book cover of Lessons from U.S. Allies in Security Cooperation with Third Countries

Lessons from U.S. Allies in Security Cooperation with Third Countries

The Cases of Australia, France, and the United Kingdom

by Jennifer D. P. Moroney, Celeste Ward Gventer, Stephanie Pezard
Language: English
Release Date: September 21, 2011

Several key U.S. allies engage in security cooperation, albeit on a smaller scale than the United States. To see what the U.S. Air Force can learn from these efforts, the authors examined how and why three allies--Australia, France, and the United Kingdom--provide security cooperation and highlight three...
Book cover of Teacher, Scholar, Mother

Teacher, Scholar, Mother

Re-Envisioning Motherhood in the Academy

by Celeste Hanna, Andrea N. Hunt, Erin Graybill Ellis
Language: English
Release Date: October 8, 2015

Teacher, Scholar, Mother advances a more productive conversation across disciplines on motherhood through its discussion on intersecting axes of power and privilege. This multi- and trans-disciplinary book features mother scholars who bring their theoretical and disciplinary lenses to bear on questions...
Book cover of Kleine Feuer überall
by Celeste Ng
Language: German
Release Date: April 20, 2018

Der zweite unvergessliche Roman der internationalen Bestsellerautorin Es brennt! In jedem der Schlafzimmer hat jemand Feuer gelegt. Fassungslos steht Elena Richardson im Bademantel und den Tennisschuhen ihres Sohnes draußen auf dem Rasen und starrt in die Flammen. Ihr ganzes Leben lang hatte sie...
Book cover of Was ich euch nicht erzählte
by Celeste Ng
Language: German
Release Date: May 27, 2016

Von den Verheerungen, die wir einander zufügen "Lydia ist tot." Der erste Satz, ein Schlag, eine Katastrophe. Am Morgen des 3. Mai 1977 erscheint sie nicht zum Frühstück. Am folgenden Tag findet die Polizei Lydias Leiche. Mord oder Selbstmord? Die Lieblingstochter von James und Marilyn...
Book cover of The Sweet Smell of Magnolias and Memories
by Celeste Fletcher McHale
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2017

A Southern novel full of friendships and finding love. “There’s no time,” Colin said. “You have to go. Find me, call me . . .” Jacey and Colin shared the three most intense days of their lives together, waiting for help as Mississippi floodwaters surrounded them. Jacey knew...
Book cover of The New Counter-insurgency Era in Critical Perspective
by Celeste Ward Gventer, M.L.R Smith
Language: English
Release Date: January 21, 2014

The notion of counter-insurgency has become a dominant paradigm in American and British thinking about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This volume brings together international academics and practitioners to evaluate the broader theoretical and historical factors that underpin COIN, providing a critical reappraisal of counter-insurgency thinking.
Book cover of When Mac Met Hailey
by Celeste Hamilton
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2011

He needs a wife. No-he needs a Saturday-night sexpot! Shame on you!-he needs a mom for his daughter! What single dad Mac Williams really needs is for his nosy friends and family to butt out! But he does flip through his very dusty, very little black book: Hailey Porter:...
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