D H L : 248 books

Book cover of L'Empire d'Eurasie

L'Empire d'Eurasie

Une histoire de l'Empire Russe de 1552 à nos jours

by Hélène Carrère d'Encausse
Language: French
Release Date: October 5, 2005

« Tout empire est condamné à périr ! » Celui de Russie constitue une extraordinaire exception à cette règle. Dans toute l’histoire des empires il fut l’un des plus vastes. Des plus durables aussi, battu seulement par les empires romain, byzantin et ottoman. Il est le seul qui ait péri...
Book cover of Achieving sustainable cultivation of grain legumes Volume 1

Achieving sustainable cultivation of grain legumes Volume 1

Advances in breeding and cultivation techniques

by Dr Enrique Troyo-Dieguez, A. Nieto-Garibay, J. L. García-Hernández
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2018

Reviews key developments in understanding crop physiology and genetic diversity and how they have informed advances in breeding new varieties Coverage of advances across the value chain for grain legume cultivation, from variety selection to post-harvest storage Discusses the latest trends in disease, insect pest and weed management
Book cover of Improving organic crop cultivation
by Prof. Peter Von Fragstein und Niemsdorff, Prof. Bernhard Freyer, Dr Paul Mäder
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2018

Reviews key advances and best practice in cultivation techniques across the value chain of organic farming  Discusses ways of monitoring and improving the environmental impact of organic crop production  Particular focus on ways of supporting organic farming in the developing world
Book cover of Les Romanov

Les Romanov

Une dynastie sous le règne du sang

by Hélène Carrère d'Encausse
Language: French
Release Date: May 15, 2013

En 1613, les Romanov ont été portés sur le trône de Russie à l’issue desiècles tragiques où le pouvoir a été transmis ou conquis par le meurtre. De 1613 à 1917, quinze souverains donttrois femmes ont incarné la dynastie. Les Romanov ont gouverné un empire devenu le pays le plus étendu...
Book cover of May God Remember

May God Remember

Memory and Memorializing in Judaism—Yizkor

by Rabbi Andrew Goldstein, PhD, Dr. Marc Zvi Brettler
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2013

An engaging and sobering look at memorializing in Judaism and why memory—ours and God's—is so central to people. Through a series of lively introductions and commentaries, over thirty contributors—men and women, scholars, rabbis, theologians and poets, representing all Jewish denominations—examine...
Book cover of CAD and Robotics in Architecture and Construction

CAD and Robotics in Architecture and Construction

Proceedings of the Joint International Conference at Marseilles, 25–27 June 1986

by L. M. Swerdloff, C. F. Earl, O. Akin
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

After two decades, data processing has finally, and probably forever, found its niche among civil engineering and construction (CEC) professionnals, through word processors, digitizing tables, management software, and increasingly via drawing software and computer-aided design (CAD), recently, robots...
Book cover of L'Impératrice et l'Abbé

L'Impératrice et l'Abbé

Un duel littéraire inédit entre Catherine II et l'Abbé Chappe d'Auteroche

by Hélène Carrère d'Encausse
Language: French
Release Date: November 26, 2003

La Russie est-elle un pays d’Europe ? Ou un pays barbare que l’Europe doit écarter ? Le roi Louis XV penche pour la première formule et, pour le démontrer, envoie en Russie en 1761 un savant, membre de l’Académie des sciences, l’abbé Chappe d’Auteroche. Le récit de l’abbé, au terme...
Book cover of Appalachian Health and Well-Being
by Carol S. Baugh, Melanie F. Myers, Michael S. Hendryx
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2012

Appalachians have been characterized as a population with numerous disparities in health and limited access to medical services and infrastructures, leading to inaccurate generalizations that inhibit their healthcare progress. Appalachians face significant challenges in obtaining effective care, and...
Book cover of Az első
by Garaczi László, Fiala Borcsa, Dragomán György
Language: Hungarian
Release Date: February 24, 2017

Még előtte? Vagy régen túl, de még mindig olyan, mintha tegnap történt volna? Legyen nagyon jó, vagy kevésbé, mindenki emlékszik AZ ELSŐ alkalomra. Amiről nem beszél senkinek. Vagy épp elmondja mindenkinek. Ami annyiféle történet, ahányan vagyunk. Milyen nehéz szavakat...
Book cover of Des siècles d'immortalité

Des siècles d'immortalité

L'Académie française, 1635 - ...

by Hélène Carrère d'Encausse
Language: French
Release Date: November 9, 2011

L’Académie française est née au XVIIe siècle d’un double projet politique : celui de Richelieu de disposer d’un cercle de lettrés pour renforcer son autorité ; de la nécessité d’user de la langue pour achever l’unité de la France. Le petit groupe de lettrés que Richelieu rassemble...
Book cover of Radiology of the Lower Urinary Tract
by E.S. Amis, W. Anzböck, L.R. Bigongiari
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Significant recent advances in the imaging of the lower urinary tract are comprehensively presented in this handbook. It offers information on both imaging examinations and interventional techniques with all the modern modalities, including MRI and ultrasound. The contributors are all experts in clinical...
Book cover of The Woodland Southeast
by Patty Jo Watson, Janet Rafferty, Joseph M. Herbert
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2009

This collection presents, for the first time, a much-needed synthesis of the major research themes and findings that characterize the Woodland Period in the southeastern United States. The Woodland Period (ca. 1200 B.C. to A.D. 1000) has been the subject of a great deal of archaeological research...
Book cover of The Ecology and Management of Wetlands

The Ecology and Management of Wetlands

Volume 1: Ecology of Wetlands

by Donal D. Hook, W. H. McKee Jr, H. K. Smith
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

This book contains the proceedings of a symposium held at the College of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina, USA, 16-20 June 1986. The seed for this symposium arose from a group of physiologists , soU scientists and biochemists that met in Leningrad, USSR in July 1975 at the 12th Botanical Conference...
Book cover of Le Général De Gaulle et la Russie
by Hélène Carrère d'Encausse
Language: French
Release Date: November 15, 2017

Nul autre homme d’Etat n’a été autant fasciné par l’Histoire que le général de Gaulle. Sa très sûre et immense connaissance du passé européen, de la culture de l’Europe et de ses mythes, et la relation intense entre la France et la Russie étaient chacune partie intégrante de son...
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