Guido: 735 books

Book cover of Materiali del moderno

Materiali del moderno

Campo, temi e modi del progetto di riqualificazione

by Maristella Casciato, Enrico Giacopelli, Daniela Allasina
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 28, 2017

Materiali indica i prodotti e le tecniche, l'origine naturale e la produzione industriale, i vari usi e le diverse modalità, in una parola la costruzione. Moderno è il prodotto o il suo impiego, sempre il senso e il modo dell'applicazione, nuovi in ogni opera, diversi per ogni autore. Materiale...
Book cover of Il Jazz in Europa
by Guido Michelone
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 7, 2016

La cronistoria, attraverso i protagonisti e loro dischi più famosi e celebrati, di una realtà musicale straordinaria, che da sempre viaggia in parallelo al sound afroamericano. Il jazz europeo insomma propone, di volta in volta, ormai lungo un secolo di storia, una inedita cultura delle sette note,...
Book cover of Notre Dame

Notre Dame

Where Have You Gone? Derrick Mayes, Ken MacAfee, Nick Eddy, Jerome Heavens, and Other Fighting Irish Greats

by Paul Guido, Eric Hansen
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2011

Since the fighting Irish first took to the field in 1887, Notre Dame has developed an incomparable level of tradition and achievement-both on the gridiron and in the classroom. With a record ninety-six All-American players and seven Heisman Trophy winners, it’s no wonder several of Notre Dame’s...
Book cover of Elio Vittorini: The Writer and the Written
by Guido Bonsaver
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2017

"Elio Vittorini holds a major position in 20th-century Italian literature thanks to both his narrative production and his activity as editor and militant intellectual. This work aims to present the English-speaking reader with a comprehensive study of the author, his times and his work. Particular...
Book cover of The Communist
by Guido Morselli
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2017

A unique political coming of age story, now in English for the first time. An NYRB Classics Original Walter Ferranini has been born and bred a man of the left. His father was a worker and an anarchist; Walter himself is a Communist. In the 1930s, he left Mussolini’s Italy to fight...
Book cover of Through a Catholic Lens

Through a Catholic Lens

Religious Perspectives of 19 Film Directors from Around the World

by Rose Pacatte, Greg Friedman, Gaye Ortiz
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2007

Movies are often examined for subtext and dramatizations of social and psychological issues as well as current movements. Studies of well-known Catholic directors, such as Alfred Hitchcock and John Ford, have made the search for Catholic themes a reputable field of examination. Through a Catholic...
Book cover of Libertà, prassi, soggettività

Libertà, prassi, soggettività

La filosofia di Marx

by Guido Grassadonio
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 14, 2013

Scrivere su Marx sperando di essere assolutamente originali vorrebbe dire essere non solo presuntuosi, ma dichiarare di non conoscere nemmeno nominalmente la grande mole di opere che sul tema sono state scritte durante il secolo scorso. Ma un pensiero che parla della libertà come processo continuo...
Book cover of Hitler's Henchmen
by Guido Knopp
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2016

Josef Goebbels, Hermann Goring, Heinrich Himmler, Rudolph Hess, Albert Speer and Karl Donitz. These were the men who smoothed Adolf Hitler's path to power and became the perpetrators of a reign of terror unparalleled in history. They were the supporters and executives at Hitler's regime, carrying...
Book cover of The War
by Guido Galeano Vega
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2017

All wars have their source in The War begun in heaven when Lucifer and his followers rebeld against God. Discover how this war touches you and how you should respond. 
Book cover of Chronicle of a Silence Endured
by Guido Verona
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2014

"Chronicle of a Silence Endured" is a highly intriguing and deeply woven fictional piece. It chronicles the psychological and spiritual trials that befall the 'hero' as he moves through life bound by the stigma of his childhood abuse. The result is a self-imposed and family-reinforced...
Book cover of The Secret of Cycling

The Secret of Cycling

Maximum Performance Gains Through Effective Power Metering and Training Analysis

by Vroemen, Guido, Van Megen
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2017

Meyer & Meyer Premium the next level of instructional sports literature with high-quality, full-color books. How much power does your human engine have? How much power do you need for cycling in different conditions? How can you optimize your training and racing performance? How can you use power meters...
Book cover of Real Estate in Italy

Real Estate in Italy

Markets, Investment Vehicles and Performance

by Guido Abate, Giuditta Losa
Language: English
Release Date: November 25, 2016

This in-depth case study evaluates the recent evolution of the Italian real estate market, which has lately been subject to two interlocking phenomena: a serious devaluation of physical assets and, at the same time, a deep legislative innovation of the vehicles investing in this asset class. The...
Book cover of Kennzahlensysteme bei mehrfacher Zielsetzung im Logistikbereich
by Guido Krebs
Language: German
Release Date: June 13, 2007

Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich BWL - Controlling, Note: 1,3, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre - Lehrstuhl für Internes Rechnungswesen und Controlling), 71 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Der Unternehmensbereich...
Book cover of Strategische Kontrolle und Frühaufklärung

Strategische Kontrolle und Frühaufklärung

Konzeption, Anwendungsbeispiele und kritische Würdigung der wichtigsten Instrumente zur strategischen Kontrolle und Frühaufklärung

by Guido Osterwald
Language: German
Release Date: April 18, 2012

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich BWL - Controlling, Note: 1,3, Fachhochschule Südwestfalen; Abteilung Meschede, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Um Aufgaben innerhalb der Strateggischen Planung wahrzunehmen bedienen sich Strategische Kontrolle und Strategische Frühaufklärung verschiedenster...
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