Robert Noah: 14 books

Book cover of The History of Massage

The History of Massage

An Illustrated Survey from around the World

by Robert Noah Calvert
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2002

The first comprehensive history of massage. • Written by Robert Noah Calvert, the founder of Massage Magazine. • Includes 200 black-and-white illustrations. • The definitive resource for all students and professionals in the fields of massage and bodywork. From the...
Book cover of The Man Who Stole the Mona Lisa
by Robert Noah
Language: English
Release Date: August 5, 2014

The Marquis de Valfierno spent his life preparing to become the man who stole the Mona Lisa. We are introduced to him in Buenos Aires, where the criminal mastermind with exquisite taste in art and women has built a highly profitable business selling fake religious masterpieces to grieving widows....
Book cover of The small BIG

The small BIG

small changes that spark big influence

by Steve J. Martin, Noah Goldstein, Robert Cialdini
Language: English
Release Date: September 9, 2014

At some point today you will have to influence someone - your boss, client, spouse, or even your friends. What is the smallest change you can make to your request that will lead to the biggest difference in the outcome? In The small BIG, three heavyweights from the world of persuasion science...
Book cover of 50 segreti della scienza della persuasione
by Robert B. Cialdini, Steve J. Martin, Noah J. Goldstein
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 27, 2013

Com’è possibile accrescere la propria capacità di persuasione mettendo il pubblico a disagio? Quale errore comune genera messaggi autodistruttivi? Quando può una richiesta minima aprire una grande prospettiva? Iniziare sottotono o con uno squillo di tromba? Che cosa induce le persone a comprare?...
Book cover of Cognition Switch #2
by Martin Rees, Michael Shermer, Peter Staudenmaier
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2018

Cognition Switch: An Artefact for the Transmission of New Ideas Issue #2: January 2019 Featuring Ideas by:  Michael Shermer, Peter Staudenmaier, Sabine Hossenfelder, Kate Raworth, Benjamin G Martin, Noah Charney, David Wengrow, Kimberley Brownlee, Tali Sharot, Robert Simpson, Thea Bechshoft, Martin Rees, Jon Butterworth, Bill Nye, Huw Price, and Henry Cowles
Book cover of Piccole grandi idee

Piccole grandi idee

La scienza della persuasione per ottenere massimi risultati con minimi cambiamenti

by Robert B. Cialdini, Noah Goldstein, Steve J. Martin
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 16, 2015

Tutti noi abbiamo qualcuno da persuadere: il capo, un collega, un cliente, il nostro compagno, i nostri figli o un amico. A prescindere da chi dobbiamo convincere, quando si tratta di influenzare il comportamento altrui, spesso a fare le differenze maggiori sono i cambiamenti più piccoli adottati nell’approccio....
Book cover of BodyMindCORE Work for the Movement Therapist

BodyMindCORE Work for the Movement Therapist

Leading Clients to CORE Breath and Awareness

by Noah Karrasch, Robert White, Elizabeth Buri
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2017

The principles of Noah Karrasch's CORE® model focus on whole body, breath, and movement awareness in order to determine where restrictions and blockages in the body may occur. Based on a lifetime of fine-tuning CORE® theory and practice, this comprehensive text not only explains in detail how and...
Book cover of Yes!


50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive

by Noah J. Goldstein, Ph.D., Steve J. Martin
Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2008

Learn how small changes can make a big difference in your powers of persuasion with this New York Times bestselling introduction to fifty scientifically proven techniques for increasing your persuasive powers in business and life. Every day we face the challenge of persuading others to do what...
Book cover of Überzeugen mit einfachen Kniffen
by Noah J. Goldstein, Robert B. Cialdini, Steve J. Martin
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2015

Wie konnte das britische Finanzamt die Rücklaufquote bei den fälligen Steuerzahlungen innerhalb eines Jahres von 57% auf 86% erhöhen? In dem sie einen einzigen Satz auf ihrem Standardanschreiben an die Steuerschuldner ergänzten. Der Rücklauf stieg von 290 Mio. GBP auf 560 Mio. GBP. Das macht...
Book cover of The Interdisciplinary Science of Consumption
by Peter C. Whybrow, Sarah F. Brosnan, Darby Proctor
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 2014

Scholars from psychology, neuroscience, economics, animal behavior, and evolution describe the latest research on the causes and consequences of overconsumption. Our drive to consume—our desire for food, clothing, smart phones, and megahomes—evolved from our ancestors' drive to survive....
Book cover of In Search of Humanity

In Search of Humanity

Essays in Honor of Clifford Orwin

by Timothy W. Burns, Paul A. Cantor, Brent Edwin Cusher
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2015

This collection of essays, offered in honor of the distinguished career of prominent political philosophy professor Clifford Orwin, provides a wide context in which to consider the rise of “humanity” as one of the chief modern virtues. A relative of—and also a replacement for—formerly more...
Book cover of How Television Shapes Our Worldview

How Television Shapes Our Worldview

Media Representations of Social Trends and Change

by Stylés I. Akira, Lane Clegg, Cindy Conaway
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2014

Over the last half of the twentieth century, television has become the predominant medium through which the public accesses information about the world. Through the news, situation comedies, police dramas, and commercials, we learn about the world around us, and our role within it. These genres, narratives,...
Book cover of Le petit PLUS qui peut tout changer
Language: French
Release Date: May 7, 2015

L'art de la persuasion en 52 leçons ! Savez-vous qu'écrire un moment positif de votre vie avant un entretien d'embauche vous donnait confiance et assurance, augmentant ainsi significativement vos chances de réussite ? Ou encore que notre avis sur un sujet paraît d'autant plus expert lorsque nous...
Book cover of Handbook of Surface Plasmon Resonance
by Richard Schasfoort, Arnoud Marquart, Peter Schuck
Language: English
Release Date: May 24, 2017

Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) plays a dominant role in real-time interaction sensing of biomolecular binding events and with the biosensor field expanding more applications are being found. In response to the market, an update to the original title which was published in 2008 is now appropriate....
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