With apps like PhotoForge and PhotoForge 2, editing images on the iPad no longer means forfeiting advanced editing tools and techniques. In
The Photographer's Guide to Using PhotoForge 1 and 2, author and photographer Theano Nikitas takes you through the ins and outs of this sophisticated image-editing app, from minor touch-ups through more complex editing tasks.
The guide also offers instruction on a wide range of special effects for adding creative touches to your photos. Whether you're a pro looking for a portable but powerful imaging app or someone who enjoys taking pictures for fun, PhotoForge has what it takes to become a regularly-used tool in your digital darkroom.
In this concise eBook, you will learn how to:
- Use powerful editing tools to perform image enhancements
- Work with layers and masking tools to selectively apply image adjustments and corrections (PhotoForge 2)
- Add creative touches with special effects filters
- Use social media to save and share your images (PhotoForge 2)