The Romeo and Juliet story of teenage love which cuts across all social barriers is transported to modern-day Bristol. The novel is dominated by the mesmerising and beautiful Daizee Byatt, the daughter of a drug addict who makes a living as a prostitute. At 15 Daizee Byatt has already seen too much of the bad things of life and then she meets the sweet, innocent 14 year-old Franky on his way home from school. This is a novel about the darker side of contemporary life and modern Britain's underclass. .. unsettling but powerful reading. Antonia Charlesworth in Big Issue in the North ...dark hardcore stuff, read it in one go, couldn't put it down. Salena Godden 'This is an admirably upfront novel, which wears its heart on its sleeve, and confronts controversial issues unflinchingly.' Workshy Fop
The Romeo and Juliet story of teenage love which cuts across all social barriers is transported to modern-day Bristol. The novel is dominated by the mesmerising and beautiful Daizee Byatt, the daughter of a drug addict who makes a living as a prostitute. At 15 Daizee Byatt has already seen too much of the bad things of life and then she meets the sweet, innocent 14 year-old Franky on his way home from school. This is a novel about the darker side of contemporary life and modern Britain's underclass. .. unsettling but powerful reading. Antonia Charlesworth in Big Issue in the North ...dark hardcore stuff, read it in one go, couldn't put it down. Salena Godden 'This is an admirably upfront novel, which wears its heart on its sleeve, and confronts controversial issues unflinchingly.' Workshy Fop