"Spanning the period of 1783 through 1888, from the Northern Rocky Mountains to the province of New Orleans, the trading ships of New England and the haciendas of California, The Wellspring tells the story of three families from differing ethnic backgrounds whose lives converge within the framework of American history. Experience the Battle of New Orleans with Gard Duvall, the sweep of the Civil War as the Southern Duvalls meet the Northern Whitleys on the battlefields. Join Bart Duvall as he maps the Oregon Trail with John Fremont and follows his dream to create vineyards in California. Meet Jorge Delgado, a California Don who will risk everything to preserve his pride and his family in an iron grip."
"Spanning the period of 1783 through 1888, from the Northern Rocky Mountains to the province of New Orleans, the trading ships of New England and the haciendas of California, The Wellspring tells the story of three families from differing ethnic backgrounds whose lives converge within the framework of American history. Experience the Battle of New Orleans with Gard Duvall, the sweep of the Civil War as the Southern Duvalls meet the Northern Whitleys on the battlefields. Join Bart Duvall as he maps the Oregon Trail with John Fremont and follows his dream to create vineyards in California. Meet Jorge Delgado, a California Don who will risk everything to preserve his pride and his family in an iron grip."