This beautifully illustrated book offers a complete collection of game recipes, whether you are cooking your own hard-won kill, or have a field-fresh purchase from a butcher or game merchant. There are chapters on feathered game; deer, boar and goat; and finally small furred game. Dishes range from classics such as roast woodcock with fried bread, game chips and watercress; salmis of quail; and a wonderful traditional rabbit and game pie, to contemporary interpretations like wild boar, chickpea, saffron and pepper stew; squirrel skewers; and seared venison carpaccio. With dishes suitable for cooks of all levels of experience, clear step-by-step instructions, and stunning photographs of the finished dish, this tempting cookbook shows how to make the very best of wild, healthy and wonderfully delicious game.
This beautifully illustrated book offers a complete collection of game recipes, whether you are cooking your own hard-won kill, or have a field-fresh purchase from a butcher or game merchant. There are chapters on feathered game; deer, boar and goat; and finally small furred game. Dishes range from classics such as roast woodcock with fried bread, game chips and watercress; salmis of quail; and a wonderful traditional rabbit and game pie, to contemporary interpretations like wild boar, chickpea, saffron and pepper stew; squirrel skewers; and seared venison carpaccio. With dishes suitable for cooks of all levels of experience, clear step-by-step instructions, and stunning photographs of the finished dish, this tempting cookbook shows how to make the very best of wild, healthy and wonderfully delicious game.