The post-1990 was a period of transition in many ways. The Peoples Movement brought about a polity based on political plurality and broad freedom. The state-imposed conformity and authoritarianism under the Panchayat gave way to diversity and innovations. The period was accompanied by new paradigms and ideas in many aspects of national life. A variety of concepts, idioms, and cliches of the contemporary world found their expressions in various forms. In a sense, the period was a laboratory of various constitutional exercises and application of new economic thinking and development paradigmspartly indigenous and partly in response to emerging contemporary thinking.
The post-1990 was a period of transition in many ways. The Peoples Movement brought about a polity based on political plurality and broad freedom. The state-imposed conformity and authoritarianism under the Panchayat gave way to diversity and innovations. The period was accompanied by new paradigms and ideas in many aspects of national life. A variety of concepts, idioms, and cliches of the contemporary world found their expressions in various forms. In a sense, the period was a laboratory of various constitutional exercises and application of new economic thinking and development paradigmspartly indigenous and partly in response to emerging contemporary thinking.